Monday 26 January 2009

beverly hills thats where i want to be

a. What is your favourite snack? beforehand, cheese, but now carrot stick, im so boring now, its quite depressing
b. Who are your favourite models? coco rocha and clemence poesy
c. What is your favourite book? catcher in the rye or atonement
d. Who is your favourite heroine? I don't know if I have one ...
e. Where do you mostly find your photos? mostly stuff ive had on my computer files for years
f. What are your favourite movies? the notebook, my fair lady, some like it hot and matilda
g. Who are your style icons? if i had to say, it would be the one and only MK
h. What are your favourite places in the world? Portugal and Paris
i. Do you like writing handwritten letters? i wish things were still as simple and sentimental as writing letters but it just does not happen anymore, i would love to be able to recieve more.
j. Pictures or words - which is more intense to you- both
k. Something you hear or something you see? see and hear. music and art - you cant live with either or
l. Sophia Loren or Brigitte Bardot? sophia loren
m. How old are you? sixteen
n. Where do you live? sunderland
o. Why did you start blogging? preoccupies me from such sinful things as food,etc..
bit i genually like to just babble on
p.Which are your favourite blogs? thats hard. i would have to say i really enjoy kingdom of style, starbucks and jane austen, discotheque confusion and i really love the foreign blogs like lisa's place and moderniteter
q. What are you listening currently? regina spektor
r. With which program do you make your collages? i dont use one
s. What do you think you'll be doing on 2009? THE LIST
t. do you ever criticize people because of their clothing? only in extreme cases, i try not to, i think that the world is too bitchy to begin with
u. what are your hobbies? easting party rings
v. if you some how won £10,000 to spend on clothes, what would you buy first? balenciaga body con dress and lots of vintage
w. what is a perfect day like for you? lots of lace and freedom.
x. What perfume do you use? Covet by Sarah Jessica Parker
y. If you could live any where you wanted to right now, where would it be? london
z. who is your favorite strokes member and why? julian casablancas yummy
a2. where are your fave places to shop? charity shops, vintage shops, ebay and primark is my guilty pleasure
b2. What is your favorite Starbucks drink? caramel mocha frappucino. I always feel crap asking for it. and i refuse to say grande and all that shit, small medium and large will do me.
c2. have you tried other coffee places (like the coffee bean or peet's coffee)? biz-r, bb's and costa coffee, just not the same
d2. If you could wear only one designer, or one brand, which would you choose? marc jacobs
e2. Have you ever read comic books? haha yes. i well used to bot the beano.
f2. What is your take on smoking and trendy smoking in the fashion world? im not bothered really

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