Friday 27 June 2008

sighs of relief

incredible lack of posts :S
my infinate apologies
but, to be honest, these may have been the most important exams of my life so far, so they needed alot of my time, it was very stressful, but they are done, and I have left school, and everything is just starting to settle down, so obviously i will be able to spend alot more time on my posts.

when leaving school, i was asked, why am i so interested in "fashion", i hate saying that i am into fashion, because i think it is so single minded and almost common. But, anyway, i was posed with this question, and i really did not know what to say. Its like when people say to gay people, when did you realise you were gay? and they say that they never just realised, its always been there inside of them. This may have been the only time i have ever talked to any of my friends about fashion. We talk about about fashion, but it just isnt in depth, it was always talks of buying something from the high street. I just dont think they get it, i would like to have someone to have a proper conversation with about fashion. Just one of the pointless reasons that i can't wait to leave this place, recently, it was really been getting me down. My town is very common, with not much fashion sense. I wore a high bun in my hair one day, and people thought i was stupid. i met an ex teacher of mine who said she never realised it was me, because of my perculiar hair style :S
no can be an individual in this place, its like a clone machine. If you don't shop in primark and wear £3 clothes, you arn't in fashion these days, or so it seems here. I need to go somewhere with people who actually get me :/
i even feel like most of my friends don't know the real me, because people don't ask, they don't want to be bored with all of my extra stuff, so i just dont bother explaining. Even if i did, they still would not understand. There is only one friend i know who i think really gets me, and its a boy, and im not even that close to him nowadays, but we like to have heart-to-hearts every now and then.

I have not finished this post, just its twenty to eleven at night, on a friday night, and im coming down with flu, so im thinking i need some beauty sleep

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